Welcome to the latest issue of Townships Today, a quarterly newsletter designed to help you educate the public about township government and other issues. Townships Today is written specifically for township residents, and we ask you to share it with them.
This quarter’s issue – click on the image at right to view – alerts the public to another public safety crisis: this one involving Pennsylvania’s ambulance companies. Facing a money and manpower shortage, EMS providers are closing their doors, a situation that’s putting lives at risk. Townships Today not only explores the problem but also focuses on solutions.
Note: To reduce printing and mailing costs, PSATS distributes this newsletter exclusively by email. For your convenience, current and past issues of Townships Today, along with detailed instructions for printing, distributing, and posting online, are available at www.psats.org. (Click on the “Publications” tab and choose “Townships Today.”)
Also, while PSATS created this newsletter, we want you, our members, to take full credit for the publication, as well as the quarterly articles, if you choose to use them in your own newsletter or post them on your website.
To share your comments about Townships Today, contact Editor Jill Ercolino at (717) 763-0930, ext. 125, or jercolino@psats.org.