Wright Township Police Department is located in Luzerne County, Mountaintop, PA within minutes of the cities of Hazleton, Wilkes-Barre and Scranton. The following is our contact number should you need to contact us.
For Emergencies, Please Dial 911
Wright Township Police is a full-service police department in operation 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Wright Township Police Department consists of seven Police Officers, including the Chief of Police, Sergeant and five patrolmen. All members of the Department are specially trained in their various fields of investigation. The department is a member of the Mid-Atlantic Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network and the PA Attorney General’s Drug Task Force.
Mission Statement
The Wright Township Police Department is a dedicated group of professionals who are committed to working with the community to make Wright Township a safe and desirable place to live, work, and visit. Our mission is to partner with the community to solve problems and improve public safety in a manner that is fair, impartial, transparent, and consistent.
It is the vision and goal of the Wright Township Police Department to continue to grow and adapt to our ever-changing community, and to provide the highest level of service and protection to our citizens.
We will accomplish this goal by providing our officers with the tools and knowledge to meet and exceed all present and future needs of Wright Township within the scope of police services.
We will work in cooperation with our community to proactively address identified areas of needed improvement, and to continually provide the level of service and safety so deserved by the community we serve.
Core Values
Integrity – We are committed to the enforcement of laws and the preservation of order and property. We are honest, truthful, and consistent in our words and actions, and therefore worthy of the public’s trust. We exercise discretion in a manner that is beyond reproach.
Professionalism – We treat the public and our colleagues with courtesy and respect. We understand that our appearance, words, and demeanor contribute to the public’s confidence in us. We are responsive to the community, and deliver services promptly and efficiently.
Fairness and Impartiality – We act with fairness, restraint, and impartiality in carrying out our duties. We work with the community to continually understand and overcome cultural influences and unconscious biases. We understand that our actions, combined with the way we treat members of the community, contributes to our “legitimacy” in the eyes of the public.
Teamwork – We work together as one organization in carrying out the mission of the department; our respective units do not act as distinct “silos” from one another. As individual members of the department we are respectful to each other and work collectively to solve problems and serve the community.
Efficiency – We keep abreast of standard procedures, legal issues, and innovative topics in modern policing through regular training. We exercise rigor in thinking strategically about identifying trends, exploring alternative solutions, and solving problems.
Advocacy and Empathy – We have compassion for victims of crime. As members of the community, we have respect for and promote the diversity of the community. We advocate for social and other supportive services for victims, youth, and others involved in the criminal justice system.
Wright Township Police Department is committed to protecting and serviNG its citizens and educating its youth on the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse INCLUDING OPIOIDS.
Chief Royce Engler